H@yz Sp@ce

This is my space. Period.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Online 2

It was all about bbc.co.uk/wales today as Amanda Powell took to the stage of Birt Acres.

The presentation today was ultimately focused on online journalism and gave us all a great insight into the workings of a news website, including local and national news.

I found it incredibly interesting as the thought of ultimately ending up in the online world is a highly likely outcome for many of us training to be journalists.

The questions asked were also very helpful as Amanda was able to give us detailed answers based upon her own experiences.

She spoke a lot about the layout of the website and already I am noticing things thats she brought up, the size of pictures and their importance for example.

The whole lecture was really useful and gave all who were there a real glimpse of a fast changing and exciting world beyond print, radio and television.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Tsunami. Hurricane. Earthquake. What's next?

Is this it?

Is the world coming to an end? I have to say I do not know enough myself to formulate a scientific answer, but there have been enough disasters going on in the last 10 months to get the ordinary person thinking.

It depends on what you believe in and what you know but you have to admit it's slightly scary. I don't know what to believe myself and when such devastation consumes our media every day it gets harder and harder to ignore the signs. And now, to top it all off, we have a pandemic of bird flu on the way...perhaps not this winter...but it's definitely coming.

Seeing as I am clearly lost for answers, please leave your messages. Did anyone else see the article in the Independant on Sunday? What did you think of it?

Food for thought...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Online installment 1!

Had our first installment of online journalism on Thursday. Interesting as I like to think I am rather web literate, but evidently not when it comes to creating my own website! I am constantly being challenged with new ideas and information all the time. Received my first feedback on a story this week which was really good to get as I always feel I am learning more and more when I get criticism. I am finding it fascinating learning about where the media is heading in future years and wondering how we are going to find our place within our fast changing, ever advancing, world.
Anyone with any comments about this feel free to post away!
H@yz x

Monday, October 10, 2005

All things new and wonderful!

Well hello fellow "bloggers!"
As a complete virgin to this new web extravaganza I am open to any suggestions and comments on anything I post on here! I am currently a magazine post graduate diploma student and Cardiff School of Journalism and will regularly be commenting on my lectures...a requirement as part of online journalism!!
Feel free to add anything, and I shall try to keep this updated with thoughts, reviews of interesting things I have done/seen and shall say hey again soon!
H@yz x